Wednesday, December 12, 2012

tico tico

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 And when he says: "Cuckoo!" he means it's time to woo;
It's Tico time for all the lovers in the block.
I've got a heavy date, a tete-a-tete at eight,
So speak, oh Tico, tell me is it getting late?
If I'm on time, "Cuckoo" but if I'm late, "Woo-woo!"
The one my heart has gone to may not want to wait!
For just a birdie, and a birdie who goes nowhere,
He knows of ev'ry Lovers' Lane and how to go there;
For in affairs of the heart, my Tico's terribly smart,
He tells me: "Gently, sen - ti - ment' - ly at the start!"
Oh, oh, I hear my little Tico Tico calling,
Because the time is right and shades of night are fall - ing.
I love that not-so-cuckoo cuckoo in the clock:
Tico Tico Tico Tico Tico tock.


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