Friday, March 16, 2018



early Babylonian—The CITIES CALLEDs Shirpurla and Lagash——The so-called "fire-necropoles"—Jôkha and its ancient name—Other mounds in the region of the Shatt el-Kâr—Hammâm—(Shuruppak—Sumerian dwelling-houses and circular buildings of unknown use—Sarcophagus- Western Semites— at Warka (Erech), AND Larsa,


cities Before the Flood:   after Cain killed his brother he went into the land of "wandering" (the meaning of Hebrew nod) and built a city. Here he apparently set up a new religious system in defiance of YHVH -- "wandering" not in the countryside, but in his heart. Some indication of the earliest cities are given in Genesis 4. Cain built the first city (Genesis 4:.17), naming it after his son Enoch. This may set an early precedent for men to name cities after themselves. sUMERIAN  eight cities (at least) were built before the Flood. If the names of men were given also to these cities, we may be able to equate Eridu of the King List with Irad of Genesis 4:18 and possibly Lamech with Larak. 

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