Friday, June 1, 2018


The settlement of the Assyrians and related peoples in early
Europe is summarized by several writers in the early Middle Ages. The
list of the early kings presented here is from the "Bayerische Chronik"
and "Deutsche Chronik" by Johannes Turmair, Abensberg, 1526.
The traditional events assigned to each ancient German ruler are
confirmed by both archaeological evidence and the fragmentary comments
of classical historians.
The "Bayerische Chronik" is very important for the history of 
Central Europe. It proves that German history was correctly preserved
in song and poetry and in contemporary written records down to Roman
times. It further proves that the length of time from the Flood to
Roman times was accurately preserved except for an overlooked 24 years.
This period was the 24 years from Abram's year 75 to his year 99. The
later chroniclers, who placed in parallel German and Hebrew history,
universally reckoned the 430 years from the Covenant that was confirmed
with Abraham to Sinai as beginning when Abram was 75 years old, instead
of 99. They therefore placed the Flood 24 years too late in history.
The German chronicles that were the basis of Turmair's work placed
the Flood 131 years before the coming of the German patriarch Tuisto
into Europe. They should have reckoned 131 plus 24 -- that is, 155
years. With this one exception, all dates from Tuisto down to the
burning of Rome in 390 B.C. need no correction. All that is necessary
is to add the separate lengths of reign. There are no missing lengths
of reign

The real beginnings of Assyrian history were not presented in
Volume I. They are restored here. One account begins with the reign of
Nimrod in 2194 -- after the 60-year reign of Cush. Cush was the first
Belus -- the word means "lord" -- who bore rule after the Flood. 
Early Rulers of Assyria
and Babylon Lengths of Reign Dates
Saturn: the Nimrod of Scripture, 56 2194-2138
known also as Ninus I.
Belus: great lord of Assyria 55 2138-2083
-- a title of Shem as lord
over all his family. The
title was later taken by Asshur.
Ninus II: conquered the 52 2100-2048
Middle East in 17 years
(2100-2083), while his
father was recognized as
supreme ruler, (see
Diodorus Siculus).
Ninus is the name of
Asshur used by classical
Semiramis or Ishtar 42 2048-2006
Ninyas: called Zames 38 2006-1968
(see Vol. 1 for history) 
The "Bavarian Chronicle" records in detail the earliest settlers
of Europe after the Deluge. Their encampments and habitations have been
recovered by archaeological research and are labeled the "Neolithic"
migrations that traversed the Danube and adjoining valleys.
Shem or Tuitsch came into Europe with members of his family, as
well as with certain of the sons of Japheth and two of the sons of Ham
who were of the white stock. From these have descended most of the
present-day nations of Europe. The descendants of Shem include many
sons of Joktan, son of Heber, and a number of the sons of Mash, son of
Aram. The Biblical names (Genesis 10) of the grandsons and
great-grandsons of Shem are clearly preserved in most instances by the
"Chronicle". In the following chart, together with the names of the
patriarchal settlers, appear either the areas settled, the tribes which
sprang from them, or their Biblical names. An historical or classical
map should be consulted for location of geographic names. In later
times the descendants of these early heroes migrated west, south, north
and east under population pressure. 
Dukes settled by Shem
in Europe Identity, or Area settled
1. Sarmata, son of settled Sarmatia; is the
Joktan Hazarmaveth of Gen. 10:26;
colonized south Arabia;
a son Tanaus gave his name
to the river Tanais, now
called the Don.
2. Dacus, son of Mash, settled Dacia, later also
grandson of Aram colonized in Denmark
3. Geta, another son from whom came certain of
of Mash (included in the Getae of Roman history
Anderson's "Royal
Genealogies", but
not in "Bavarian
4. Gotha Gether from whom came the Goths
5. Tibiscus, late settled on the river
Latin spelling of Theiss or Tibiscus;
Tiobo, an Italian descendants migrated into
spelling of Jobab Germany (see "Encyclopedia
(Gen. 10:29) Britannica", article
6. Moesa, Mash settled Mysia and Moesia
(Gen. 10:23)
7. Phrygus, or Brigus, settled in Phrygia and
son of Mash (Gen. Europe
8. Thynus, son of Mash settled Bithynia in Asia
9. Dalmata, Almodad settled Dalmatia on Adriati 
10. Jader, Jerah (v .26), founded the port called
his descendants also Jaderia Colonia in Illyria
settled in Arabia
11. Albanus or Albion, for whom Albania is named,
Abimael (v. 28) and also Albion or Britain;
his descendants early
migrated to the Isle of
12. Sabus or Sau, Sheba settled on the river Save;
(v. 28) migrated to Italy as
13. Pannus or Benno, settled Pannonia 
14. Sala or Salon built the town Sala; gave
Shelah (v. 24) his name to river Sal
15. Azalus or Aezel, ancestor of the Azali;
Uzal (v. 27) also settled in Aezeland
in Pannonia
16. Hister, the Joktan settled Istria; Hister
of the Bible (Gen. means same in Indo-European
10:25) tongues that Joktan does
in Hebrew -- water course
(Rawlinson, "Ancienthistory   
17. Adulas or Adler, anciently dwelt on Upper
Hadoram (v. 27); Rhine; his son Than gave
colonized in Arabia his name to the river
Thonau, now called the
18. Dicla, Diklah thought to have dwelt on
(v. 27) Upper Rhine; his
descendants later migrated
to Gedrosia in Persia
l9. Obalus or Elb, from him the river Elbe
Obal (v. 28) takes its name
20. Epirus Ophir colonized Asia from Epirus
(v. 29)
21. Eber built Ebersau -- the
Eburodunum of Ptolemy's
22. Hoeril, Havilah gave his name to river
(Gen. 10:29) Havel or Havila (Jacobus
Schatz: "Atlas Homannianus
Illustratus", p. 121); from
him descended the Heruli
The white descendants of the following patriarchs also colonized
parts of Europe:
23. Arcadius, father of the settled Arcadia in Greece
Arkites (Gen. 10:17)
24. Emathius, father of settled Emathia in Macedonia
Hamathites (Gen. 10:18)
25. Tiras, son of colonized Thrace
26. Moska, Meshech -- colonized east of the
son of Japheth Carpathians
27. Javan, son of Hebrew name for Greeceis Javan 
29. Gomer, son of dwelt for a time in Italy
30. Asch, Ashkenaz -- his descencants mixed with
son of Gomer the Goths -- whence Jews
who settled in Central
Europe acquired name of
31. Reif or Rus, settled in Scythia and
Riphath -- son of White Russia
32. Tagus, Togarmah -- dwelt for a time in Southern europe 
Early Kings of German Lengths of Reign Dates
1. Tuitsch or Tuisto 176 2214-2038
(236) (2214-1978)
Chief of thirty-two dukes. Noah gave him all the land between the
Don River and the Rhine or what was called Grossgermania. This is the
beginning of the "neolithic" settlement of Europe. Tuitsch is,
according to all ancient German commentaries and chronicles, a son of
Noah. But which son? Noah adopted Tuitsch's children as his own. The
ancient Germans understood the name Tuitsch to be the title "Teacher."
He was therefore the great patriarch of his family who taught the
divine will to his children.
Tuitsch is the father of Mannus (who is the Assyrian Ninus). The
son of Mannus, Trebeta, is the same man who is called the son of Ninus
in classical writers. The son of Mannus or Ninus -- Trebeta -- built
Trier, the first town of Germany. Since the Bible calls this Ninus (who
built Nineveh), Asshur, Tuitsch is therefore Shem 
Tuitsch (Shem) left Europe for Egypt in 2038. His appearance in
Egyptian chronological records of Dynasty I dates his arrival and
government in 2037. From Armenia Tuitsch left 155 years after the Flood
(131 plus 24) -- see the comments at the beginning of this chapter.
With him were twenty-two descendants plus eight from Japheth and two
from Ham. Tuitsch made his headquarters at Deutz (today Koeln-Deutz).
The country is called Deutschland after him -- that is, the land of the
great Patriarch or Teacher, Shem. In the 25th year of his reign
(2190-2189) Tuitsch held a state assembly, divided lands among his
descendants and ordained laws. He also brought more colonies from
2. Mannus or Mann 72 1978-1906
(66) (1978-1912)
For the last 60 years of Tuitsch's or Shem's reign in Germany, he
governed his family from Egypt and Italy. It was not until 1978 that
Mannus assumed the government over Western Europe, succeeding his
father Tuitsch. At the beginning of his reign he sends out colonies to
France and Asia Minor. His son Herman establishes the kingdoms of
Phrygia, Mysia and Bithynia in Mannus' 34th year (1945-1944). Another
son Trieber or Trebeta, built Trier. Nerus, another son, settled in the
Netherlands. This Mannus is the Assyrian Ninus and is Asshur, son of
Shem. Asshur means "strength" in Hebrew and has the same sense as
Mannus -- masculinity -- in German.
3. Eingeb or Ingaevon 36 1906-1870
(40) (1912-1872)
This son of Mannus or Ninus -- Asshur -- was the German Mercury.
His wife Freia was the German Venus. He instituted the observance of
Weinnachten of December 24. Eingeb is responsible for settling Germans
on the North Sea from Denmark to Dunkirk. He sent his general Brigus
from the Danube valley to secure Spain against the African Amazons
(female warriors). Myrein, queen of the African Amazons advanced up the
Danube but was defeated and slain by Eingeb's generals Seiphyl and Mopser
4. Ausstaeb or Istaevon 50 1870-1820
(52) (1872-1820)
Son of Eingeb, Ausstaeb was the German Mars. From him are
descended the Rheinlanders. In his days a great drought devastated  Italy
5. Herman 63 1820-1757
Son of Ausstaeb. He taught the philosophy that war and to die in
battle is most pleasing to God. He introduced the arts of warmaking to
the Germans. The Druids began to flourish in Germany. Herman settled
the heart of Germany, whose people were called Hermanduri or Hermiones
6. Mers 46 1757-1711
Son of Herman. The city of Merseburg is named after him. The
Dithmarsii descended from him. Oryz, the Egyptian god-king Osiris, came
with his wife Eisen up the Danube valley to Mers. They left Germany and
went to Italy on their way back to Egypt. Cultural development of
Germany through contact with Egypt in days of Joseph -- beer making,
agriculture, forging and medicine were brought to Germany 
after him
7. Gampar 44 1711-1667
Son of Mers. He was the inventor of beer brewing. His daughter
Araxa became one of the wives of Libys (the Egyptian and Spanish
Hercules), the son of Oryz, and gave birth to Tuscus, Schyth,
Agatyrsus, Peucinger and Gutho.
8. Schwab 46 1667-1621
Son of Gampar. He gave his name to Schwaben. In his reign Eisen
came to Germany and taught the people various crafts.
9. Wandler 41 1621-1580 
Son of Schwab. Ancestor of the German Wenden or Vandals, who were
first known at the Weser, next in the countries north of the Elbe;
afterwards, a colony went into Spain, then into Africa where they
restored the Roman Empire; their kingdom was demolished by General
Belisarius. The cities of Luebeck, Rostoch, Dantzig, and others are the
relics of those first Vandals who did not migrate to North Africa.
These German Vandals are different from the Wends called Slavi,
Slavonians, Poles, Bohemians who settled in the ancient lands of the 0. Deuto 27 1580-1553
Son of Wandler, gave his name to the Teutones. He led a campaign
into France and built there the cities of Vannes, Sens, Santgenge and
Toulouse. He was deified as the German Mercury, as Eingeb had previously been




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