Saturday, August 4, 2018


Sailing from Seville August 10,1519 the fleet of five small vessels starts on its long journey amid slvos of artillery. At the mouth of Guadal Quivir

Guadal QuiviR
sEPT 20,  after reprovision wesailed once more for Canaries Islands 

Canaries Islands

We reached Canaries Island  on Sept 26 and departed October 3 sailing along the coast of Africa  the apparition of St Elmos fire were sighted

St Elmos fire

There upon taking a westerly course along the Brazilian coast  communication with the natives and after 18 days of sailing we ailed toward the south along the desolate Patagonian coast  Magalhaes anchored at Rio de la Plata

 Rio de la Plata

For two months wewe didnt see people until we see giants we captured one giant as a novelty for Spain 

Then a mutiny headed by Juan de Cartagena occured With the fleet reduced to four vessels We anchored at St Julian for supply provisions, wood and water We discovered a strai and named for Magalhaes we called Estrecho de Magallanes

With the fleet reduced to four vessels, the mariners leave port St. Julian and proceeding along the coast, anchor at the river of Sardines, where stormy weather threatens a disastrous end to the expedition. A stay of two months is made, during which the ships are enabled to lay in a good supply of provisions, wood, and water. Before leaving that river, the crews (for Magalhães looks after the spiritual welfare of his men) confess and take communion. Then resuming the voyage, the great object of the first half of the expedition is attained, namely, the discovery of the strait, which occurs October 21, 1520. “That strait is one hundred and ten leguas

 Pgafetta Crux the star clouds called after Magalhaes of which Magalhaes identified it as the place of Cipangu or Japan in the open Pacific Pegafetta described the island called Ladrones because of the thievishnes   of the inhabitants they even steal the ship's boat from the stern of Trinidad. We raid into one of the islands where some nativeswere killed and we burned their houses until we recovered our boat

On March 16 1521 we at first we called  it an Lazaro and we anchored in the island called Humunnu 

 Humunnu Island now it is called Homonhon Island of the Philippines

Samar Island
In Samar Island we et up two tents for the sick whom Magalhaes himself tends with solitude the natives were hopitable the first traces of gold were found there

March 28, 1521 the anchor is cast at the island of Masava ( called Limasawa)

  Limasawa Island 

Enrique . the slave of Magalhaes taken from Melacca serves as an enterpreter entered into the island and confirmed by the Malayan blood brotherhood. Theking of Limasawa with the king of Calagan ditrct of Mindanao prove helpful by presentation of gifts  

 On Good Friday Pegafetta  and a companion opined that a mass be celebrated ashore 
 On Easter Sunday the natives are deeply impressed bt the masss celebrated ashorethe cross  is planted in the highest part of the island  which they promise to adore
The limited amount of food in Limasawa which i used only as a place of recreation of two kings who go there to visit one another leads Magalhaes to seek abundant harbor . Among the places pointed out where food is abundant is the island of Cebu and there Magalhaes determines to go . After even days stay at Limasawa  the course is laid to Cebu under the pilotage of the king of limasawa who finally taken aboard the Trinidad as his vessel is unable to keep up with the swifter-moving european vessels 

On April 7, 1521 Magalhaes entered Cebu amid the thunder of their guns  the Enrique the slave of Magalhaes came to the king of Cebu to negotiate . The king expressed willingness friendship with Magalhaes 

Trading is institutedby carrying quantity of merchandise ahore 

   A certain opposition from the chieftian of Matan called Cilapulapu 

April 20, 1521 Cilapulapu refused allegiance to Spain  Magalhaes in gis ardor demonstrate  leads sixty  men


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