Tuesday, March 13, 2018

aegyptus dynasties

6.Statue from the Ancient Empire10
7.The Sheikh-el-Beled11
8.Hunting in the Marshes14
10.The White Crown16
11.The Red Crown16
12.The Pschent16
13.Seti I. in his War-Chariot23
14.Rameses II. in adoration before Seti25
15.Homage to Amenophis III.26
16.Construction of a Temple at Thebes27
17.Columns in the Hypostyle Hall, Karnak28
18, 19.Scribes registering the yield of the harvest29
20.Colossi of Amenophis III. 3030
21.Scribe registering merchandize31
23.Cattle Drovers33xii
25.Women at a loom34
26.Netting birds35
27.Shepherds in the fields36
28.Winnowing corn36
30.From the tomb of Menofre39
31.Water Tournament42
32.Mariette's House43
33.Amenhotep, or Amenophis III., presented by Phré to Amen-Ra45
34.Amen (or Ammon)51
37.The goddess Bast54
38.Painted bas-relief58
41.A Sphinx61
46.Sacrifice to Apis67
47.Statue from the Ancient Empire73
48.Woman kneading dough74
49.The Scribe Chaphré75
50.The Lady Naï76
52.Sculptor at work upon an arm81
53.Sculptor carving a statue83
54.Artist painting a statue85
55.Isis nursing Horus87
57.Ti, with his wife and son91
58.Square building97
59.Rectangular and oblong building97
60.The Libyan chain, above the Necropolis of Thebes98
61.General appearance of an Egyptian Temple99
62.Temple of Khons, at Thebes100
63.Temple of Khons, Thebes100
64.Temple of Khons, Thebes100
65.From the second court of Medinet-Abou, Thebes101
66.Ramesseum, Thebes101
67.The Egyptian Gorge or Cornice102
68.Capital and Entablature of the Temple of the Deus Rediculus at Rome104
69.The Egyptian "bond"107
70.Double-faced wall108xiii
71, 72.Elements of the portico108
73.Egyptian construction109
74.Element of an off-set arch111
75.Arrangement of the courses in an off-set arch111
76.Off-set semicircular arch111
78.Arrangement of voussoirs112
79.Semicircular vault112
80.Granaries, from a bas-relief113
81.Modern pigeon house, Thebes114
82.Elements of wooden construction116
83.Wooden building (first system)117
84.Wooden building (second system)118
85.Seti I. striking prisoners of war with his mace124
86.Stele of the eleventh dynasty131
87.Mummy case from the eighteenth dynasty137
88.Man and his wife in the style of the fifth dynasty138
89.Sekhem-ka, his wife Ata, and his son Khnem, in the style of the fifth dynasty139
90.Stele of Nefer-oun140
91.Preparation of the victims and arrival of funeral gifts141
92.Table for offerings144
93.Another form of the table for offerings144
94.Labourers heaping up ears of corn146
95, 96.Sepulchral statuettes147
97.Vignette from a Ritual upon papyrus149
98.Arrival in Egypt of a company of Asiatic emigrants152
99.The tomb of Ti; women, representing the lands of the deceased, carrying the funeral gifts154
100.Lid of the coffin of Entef158
101, 102.Scarabs159
103, 104.Funerary amulets159
106.Actual condition of a Mastaba. The Tomb of Sabou167
107.Three mastabas at Gizeh168
108.Restoration of part of the Necropolis of Gizeh169
109.The Mastabat-el-Faraoun170
110.Entrance to a Mastaba at Sakkarah171
111.Lintel of the tomb of Teta172
112.Plan of the tomb of Ti174
113, 114.Mastaba at Sakkarah174
115.Western wall in the chamber of the tomb of Ptah-Hotep175
116.Plan of a Mastaba with four serdabs178
117.Longitudinal section of the same Mastaba178
118.Transverse section through the chamber179
119.Transverse section through the serdabs179
120.Figures in high relief, from a Mastaba at Gizeh180xiv
121.The upper chamber, well, and mummy-chamber181
122.Double Mastaba at Gizeh182
123.Sarcophagus of Khoo-foo-Ankh183
124.Details of the Sarcophagus of Khoo-foo-Ankh184
125.Bas-relief from Sakkarah185
126.Head of a Mummy188
127.Plans of the temples belonging to the Second and Third Pyramids193
128.Plan of the Pyramid of Cheops198
129.The Great Pyramid and the small pyramids at its foot199
130.The Three Great Pyramids; from the south201
131.The Pyramid of Illahoun, horizontal section in perspective205
132.Section of the Pyramid of Cheops206
133.The southern Pyramid of Dashour207
134.Section of the Stepped Pyramid207
135.The Stepped Pyramid208
136-142.Successive states of a pyramid209
143.Section of the Stepped Pyramid at Sakkarah213
144.Construction of the Pyramid of Abousir in parallel layers213
145.Partial section of the Stepped Pyramid214
146.The Pyramid of Meidoum215
147.The Mastabat-el-Faraoun216
148.Funerary monument represented in the inscriptions216
149.Plan and elevation of a pyramid at Meroe219
150.Method of closing a gallery by a stone portcullis220
151.Portcullis closed220
152.Transverse section, in perspective, through the Sarcophagus-chamber and the discharging chambers of the Great Pyramid221
153.Longitudinal section through the lower chambers

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