Thursday, July 12, 2018


In 1400
the countries of the Far East was under the territories of India commerce and trade  including   Singapura, Borneo 
and Maa ( the name of the philippines before the spanish came the philippines was still considered Terra Incognita( means unknown lands)  by that time.   But India itself  fall into the hands of the Mohameddan emperors by the Saracens or arabs then the mongols that were converted  mohameddans such as Hulagu Khan 


Maa( the ancient philippines

Ancient Borneo

 the countries of the Far East, which by the year 1400 had come to exercise over the mind of the European so irresistible a fascination. First of all, India, as we have seen, had for centuries been the principal source of the western commerce. But long before the date we are considering, the scepter of India had fallen from the hand of the Hindu. From the seventh century, India was a prey to Mohammedan conquerors, who entered from the northwest into the valley of the Indus. At first these were Saracens or Arabs; later they were the same Mongol converts to Mohammedanism, whose attacks upon Europe we have already noticed.

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