Thursday, July 12, 2018

Mediæval Period


Between 500- 1300 AD   AFTER THE FALL OF ROME For 800 years  of cruel struggle and depression . New people came to Europe and replaced the Roman Empire,

Goths   occupied Spain

New people were coverted into christianity

The free but weak people gave up their freedom and their landsto some stroner men who became their lords they swore obedience to their lords  to provide them protection . The lords gave them back their lands to hold as fief , both sharing in the product 

The lord swore allegiance to some still more powerful man or overlord and became his vassal  pledged on his part owed allegiance to the prince who perhaps a duke or bishop

The bishops at this times were also feudal lords loyal to the king or emperor  pledged to follow him to war with a certain number of armed men they were united into large groups or nations for protection 

Disadvantages of feudalism

the feudal lords possessed the poer to make  war upon one another and so continous with their jealosies and quarrelings that theland  was never free  from the armed bands who laid waste the opponent's country  killing the miserable serfs who tilled the soil destroying their homes 

By 1400 AD newlife had appeared  called Renaissance. The spirit of nationality arisen . Men began to feel attachment to country to king with a bounded territory with common language

States like France and England  engaged in a struggle known as the Hundred years war


Louis IX king of France 
In the end England was forced to give up all her claims to territory on the continent and the power of France increased 

 LouiXII of France 

In England year 1265 a Parliament was called consisted with the house of the Lords representing the nobility and the House of Commons chosen by the common people

In Germany  It was divided into principalities, Saxony, Bavaria, Franconia, Bohemia, Austria Rhine which were united in a great assembly called Diet , the head of it was a prince chosen to be emperor  






In Italy

thecountry was divided into north called the valley of Po or Lombardy

the duchy of Milan and the Republic of Venice and the pribncipality of Naples

the ruler was the pope 





In the Spanish peninsula 

christian states had arisen in the west was Portugal
In the center was Castille and Aragon  and Grenada




The conquest of Mohamedans

in 1500AD the mohameddan faith threathened to overwhelm christian europe

The Conquests of the Mohammedans.—In the fifteenth century, religious toleration was but little known in the world, and the people of the great Mohammedan faith still threatened to overwhelm Christian Europe. Since the first great conquests of Islam in the eighth century had been repulsed from central Europe, that faith had shown a wonderful power of winning its way. In the tenth century Asia Minor was invaded by hordes of Seljuks, or Turks, who poured down from central Asia in conquering bands. These tribes had overthrown the Arab’s power in Mesopotamia and Asia Minor only to become converts to his faith. With freshened zeal they [48]hurled themselves upon the old Christian empire, which at Constantinople had survived the fall of the rest of the Roman world.



The Commercial Cities of Italy.—The cities of Italy developed this commerce. They placed fleets upon the Mediterranean. They carried the crusaders out and brought [49]back the wares that Europe desired. In this way these cities grew and became very wealthy. On the west coast, where this trade began, were Amalfi, Pisa, Genoa, and Florence, and on the east, at the head of the Adriatic, was Venice. The rivalry between these cities of Italy was very fierce. They fought and plundered one another, each striving to win a monopoly for itself of this invaluable trade.




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