Friday, July 27, 2018

ancient india AND THE tierra incognita

Not known to many Filipinos, several kingdoms have been established somewhere else in the archipelago before the Spaniards conquered the Philippines.

The Kingdom of Namayan is an ancient kingdom that dominated the area around the upper portion of the Pasig River and the coast of Laguna Lake. It is older than the Kingdom of Tondo and Kingdom of Maynila.  This kingdom, which was formed by a confederation of barangays, reached its peak in 1175 CE. It is also alternately referred to as the Kingdom of Sapa, Maysapan or Nasapan after its capital which goes by those names.

Kingdom of Maynila

The Kingdom of Maynila, or more popularly known as Kingdom of Seludong or Saludung, is one of the 3 kingdoms that dominated the area now known as Metro Manila before the coming of the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century. After the Spanish colonization, it became Manila, capital of the Philippines. This kingdom was established south of the Pasig River area.

The Kingdom of Maynila, or more popularly known as Kingdom of Seludong or Saludung, is one of the 3 kingdoms that dominated the area now known as Metro Manila before the coming of the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century. After the Spanish colonization, it became Manila, capital of the Philippines. This kingdom was established south of the Pasig River area.


m established before the coming of the Spaniards is the Kingdom of Butuan in Mindanao. This ancient Indianized kingdom centered on the present island city of Butuan was known for its mining of gold. The kingdom’s gold products were traded to Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Persia and Thailand.


...Chinese porcelain-ware, Kangxi era (1662-1722), Qing Dynasty. Ancient Chinese porcelain excavated in Mindoro, Philippines; proves the existence of trade between the island and Imperial China.

The Country of Mai was a pre-Hispanic Philippine island state founded around 1225 in Mindoro. This kingdom traded with the kingdom of Ryukyu to the Yamato Empire. It had established a trade relationship with China and as evidence, a book entitled Chu Fan Chih, described that Fukien province traded with Countr4y Mai


Chinese porcelain-ware, Kangxi era (1662-1722), Qing Dynasty. Ancient Chinese porcelain excavated in Mindoro, Philippines; proves the existence of trade between the island and Imperial China.

The Country of Mai was a pre-Hispanic Philippine island state founded around 1225 in Mindoro. This kingdom traded with the kingdom of Ryukyu to the Yamato Empire. It had established a trade relationship with China and as evidence, a book entitled Chu Fan Chih, described that Fukien province traded with Countr4y Mai

This movement was supported by original inhabitants of wealth and influence, who gave their support to one or another of these religious visionary's in their area. These new Sect leaders wandered across the northeast, sometimes with large bands of followers. They entered communities to engage in disputations with rival sects and orthodox Brahmins, these disputations were welcomed entertainment for local people, unused to thoughts and concepts from the outside world.


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